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Turner Design Gouache 25ml


Información sobre el producto "Turner Design Gouache 25ml"

Opaque & Matte Water Colours. For the Professional Artist & Designer.

Turner Design Gouache is widely considered to be the very finest produced in the world today. For artists seeking an opaque Water Colours offers an incredibly vivid line of colours that dry to an opaque matte finish. Unique non bleeding feature allows you to paint light or white colors over dark when dry. Colours dry to a velvety finish showing no brush marks. By using a dry brush technique you can even achieve smoother and thinner layers. These colours employ the Munsell System to make colour mixing extremely easy. These colours are constantly improved to be brilliant beyond comparison.

▪ Watersoluble
▪ Brilliant and opaque
▪ Beautiful matte finish
▪ Premier opaque watercolors
▪ Unique non-bleeding feature
▪ Paint light colors (including white) over dark colors when dry
▪ Dry to a velvety finish
▪ Colors employ the Munsell System
▪ Brilliant beyond comparison
▪ Pure gum arabic binder
▪ 25ml tube

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Turner Colour Works Europe SPRL
Rue du Brochet 48
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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