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Holbein Artists Gouache Sets (15 ml)


Información sobre el producto "Holbein Artists Gouache Sets (15 ml)"


Holbein Artists' Gouache 12 Tube Set - 15ml each, Colors included: Carmine, Flame Red, Brilliant Orange, Permanent Yellow Deep, Lemon Yellow, Permanent Green Deep, Permanent Green Light, Turquoise Blue, Ultramarine Deep, Violet, Burnt Sienna, Ivory Black, and Permanent White



Set of 18 Colours. Includes Brilliant Orange, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Carmine, Emerald Green, Flame Red, Ivory Black, Leaf Green, Lemon Yellow, Magenta, Permanent Green Deep, Permanent White, Permanent Yellow Deep, Prussian Blue, Turquoise Blue, Ultramarine Deep, Violet, Yellow Ochre.



Set of 24 Colours. Includes Alizarin Crimson, Blue Violet, Brilliant Orange, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Carmine, Emerald Green, Flame Red, Ivory Black, Leaf Green, Lemon Yellow, Magenta, Olive Green, Permanent Green Deep, Permanent White, Permanent Yellow, Permanent Yellow Orange, Prussian Blue, Pure Blue, Rose, Turquoise Blue, Ultramarine Deep, Violet, Yellow Ochre.

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